Your Children Can Brush and Floss With Pleasure

Because infectious diseases are frequently transmitted via touch, hand hygiene is an important first line of defense against the spread of infections in dental practices. But bacteria and other microorganisms can survive on environmental surfaces for extended periods and be spread by touch or cross-contamination to patients, healthcare workers, and other surfaces, making surface disinfection critical. For example, MRSA can survive on surfaces anywhere from 7 days to 7 months.

Educate all team members including office and reception staff about the important role they play in preventing the spread of infection

Contaminated surfaces can re-contaminate clean hands and further contribute to the transmission of infections, meaning thorough hand hygiene and daily cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces are both imperative to preventing the spread of infections.

Dental office

Surface contamination

Compliant cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is important throughout the dental practice, including in the reception and waiting-room areas. In a recent study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, surface sampling from dental practices in Arizona and Missouri isolated bacteria from environmental surfaces inside and outside patient care areas. Researchers have found that other germ hot spots within reception and waiting-room areas include office door knobs, office phones, and counter tops.

Selecting the Right Products

The first step in implementing an effective environmental infection prevention strategy for your dental practice is selecting the right products. With hundreds of surface disinfectants available, it can seem challenging to identify the best products to suit your practice’s needs. It is important for dental practices to select US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered surface disinfectants designed specifically for healthcare facilities, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms that can be transmitted via contaminated surfaces.

Ensuring Compliant Use

While selecting the correct surface disinfectants is a key part of effective infection prevention practices, establishing policies and procedures that ensure regular, compliant use of those products is also crucial to success. To ensure all team members have a clear understanding of cleaning and disinfecting protocols, we recommend the following best practices for educating team members.

Instruments closeup

As a team, review important infection prevention guidelines and OSHA regulations that pertain to your practice. Online training is available through sites, which offers free continuing education courses in infection control best practices. Develop a robust written infection control plan for your practice, with cleaning and disinfecting protocols that include cleaning responsibility grids detailing who cleans which piece of equipment or surface, with which product and how frequently.

Drinking water dilutes acids and helps cleans the teeth. It also means patients may have to go to the bathroom more often, though, so some patients avoid this approach. Considering its popularity and variety, it is important to note that bottled water may not have the ideal amount of fluoride, if any. It all depends on the source of the water. Only certain bottled water, usually for infants, generally has the proper amount of fluoride, so one should check the label.

Why Is Good Dental Equipment so Important

Because infectious diseases are frequently transmitted via touch, hand hygiene is an important first line of defense against the spread of infections in dental practices. But bacteria and other microorganisms can survive on environmental surfaces for extended periods and be spread by touch or cross-contamination to patients, healthcare workers, and other surfaces, making surface disinfection critical. For example, MRSA can survive on surfaces anywhere from 7 days to 7 months.

Educate all team members including office and reception staff about the important role they play in preventing the spread of infection

Contaminated surfaces can re-contaminate clean hands and further contribute to the transmission of infections, meaning thorough hand hygiene and daily cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces are both imperative to preventing the spread of infections.

Dental office

Surface contamination

Compliant cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is important throughout the dental practice, including in the reception and waiting-room areas. In a recent study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, surface sampling from dental practices in Arizona and Missouri isolated bacteria from environmental surfaces inside and outside patient care areas. Researchers have found that other germ hot spots within reception and waiting-room areas include office door knobs, office phones, and counter tops.

Selecting the Right Products

The first step in implementing an effective environmental infection prevention strategy for your dental practice is selecting the right products. With hundreds of surface disinfectants available, it can seem challenging to identify the best products to suit your practice’s needs. It is important for dental practices to select US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered surface disinfectants designed specifically for healthcare facilities, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms that can be transmitted via contaminated surfaces.

Ensuring Compliant Use

While selecting the correct surface disinfectants is a key part of effective infection prevention practices, establishing policies and procedures that ensure regular, compliant use of those products is also crucial to success. To ensure all team members have a clear understanding of cleaning and disinfecting protocols, we recommend the following best practices for educating team members.

Instruments closeup

As a team, review important infection prevention guidelines and OSHA regulations that pertain to your practice. Online training is available through sites, which offers free continuing education courses in infection control best practices. Develop a robust written infection control plan for your practice, with cleaning and disinfecting protocols that include cleaning responsibility grids detailing who cleans which piece of equipment or surface, with which product and how frequently.

Drinking water dilutes acids and helps cleans the teeth. It also means patients may have to go to the bathroom more often, though, so some patients avoid this approach. Considering its popularity and variety, it is important to note that bottled water may not have the ideal amount of fluoride, if any. It all depends on the source of the water. Only certain bottled water, usually for infants, generally has the proper amount of fluoride, so one should check the label.

Why Dental Implants are Growing in Popularity

Because infectious diseases are frequently transmitted via touch, hand hygiene is an important first line of defense against the spread of infections in dental practices. But bacteria and other microorganisms can survive on environmental surfaces for extended periods and be spread by touch or cross-contamination to patients, healthcare workers, and other surfaces, making surface disinfection critical. For example, MRSA can survive on surfaces anywhere from 7 days to 7 months.

Educate all team members including office and reception staff about the important role they play in preventing the spread of infection

Contaminated surfaces can re-contaminate clean hands and further contribute to the transmission of infections, meaning thorough hand hygiene and daily cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces are both imperative to preventing the spread of infections.

Dental office

Surface contamination

Compliant cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is important throughout the dental practice, including in the reception and waiting-room areas. In a recent study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, surface sampling from dental practices in Arizona and Missouri isolated bacteria from environmental surfaces inside and outside patient care areas. Researchers have found that other germ hot spots within reception and waiting-room areas include office door knobs, office phones, and counter tops.

Selecting the Right Products

The first step in implementing an effective environmental infection prevention strategy for your dental practice is selecting the right products. With hundreds of surface disinfectants available, it can seem challenging to identify the best products to suit your practice’s needs. It is important for dental practices to select US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered surface disinfectants designed specifically for healthcare facilities, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms that can be transmitted via contaminated surfaces.

Ensuring Compliant Use

While selecting the correct surface disinfectants is a key part of effective infection prevention practices, establishing policies and procedures that ensure regular, compliant use of those products is also crucial to success. To ensure all team members have a clear understanding of cleaning and disinfecting protocols, we recommend the following best practices for educating team members.

Instruments closeup

As a team, review important infection prevention guidelines and OSHA regulations that pertain to your practice. Online training is available through sites, which offers free continuing education courses in infection control best practices. Develop a robust written infection control plan for your practice, with cleaning and disinfecting protocols that include cleaning responsibility grids detailing who cleans which piece of equipment or surface, with which product and how frequently.

Drinking water dilutes acids and helps cleans the teeth. It also means patients may have to go to the bathroom more often, though, so some patients avoid this approach. Considering its popularity and variety, it is important to note that bottled water may not have the ideal amount of fluoride, if any. It all depends on the source of the water. Only certain bottled water, usually for infants, generally has the proper amount of fluoride, so one should check the label.

Many Things You Can Do to Prevent Tooth Loss

Because infectious diseases are frequently transmitted via touch, hand hygiene is an important first line of defense against the spread of infections in dental practices. But bacteria and other microorganisms can survive on environmental surfaces for extended periods and be spread by touch or cross-contamination to patients, healthcare workers, and other surfaces, making surface disinfection critical. For example, MRSA can survive on surfaces anywhere from 7 days to 7 months.

Educate all team members including office and reception staff about the important role they play in preventing the spread of infection

Contaminated surfaces can re-contaminate clean hands and further contribute to the transmission of infections, meaning thorough hand hygiene and daily cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces are both imperative to preventing the spread of infections.

Dental office

Surface contamination

Compliant cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is important throughout the dental practice, including in the reception and waiting-room areas. In a recent study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, surface sampling from dental practices in Arizona and Missouri isolated bacteria from environmental surfaces inside and outside patient care areas. Researchers have found that other germ hot spots within reception and waiting-room areas include office door knobs, office phones, and counter tops.

Selecting the Right Products

The first step in implementing an effective environmental infection prevention strategy for your dental practice is selecting the right products. With hundreds of surface disinfectants available, it can seem challenging to identify the best products to suit your practice’s needs. It is important for dental practices to select US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered surface disinfectants designed specifically for healthcare facilities, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms that can be transmitted via contaminated surfaces.

Ensuring Compliant Use

While selecting the correct surface disinfectants is a key part of effective infection prevention practices, establishing policies and procedures that ensure regular, compliant use of those products is also crucial to success. To ensure all team members have a clear understanding of cleaning and disinfecting protocols, we recommend the following best practices for educating team members.

Instruments closeup

As a team, review important infection prevention guidelines and OSHA regulations that pertain to your practice. Online training is available through sites, which offers free continuing education courses in infection control best practices. Develop a robust written infection control plan for your practice, with cleaning and disinfecting protocols that include cleaning responsibility grids detailing who cleans which piece of equipment or surface, with which product and how frequently.

Drinking water dilutes acids and helps cleans the teeth. It also means patients may have to go to the bathroom more often, though, so some patients avoid this approach. Considering its popularity and variety, it is important to note that bottled water may not have the ideal amount of fluoride, if any. It all depends on the source of the water. Only certain bottled water, usually for infants, generally has the proper amount of fluoride, so one should check the label.

What You Need to Know About Your Wisdom Teeth

Because infectious diseases are frequently transmitted via touch, hand hygiene is an important first line of defense against the spread of infections in dental practices. But bacteria and other microorganisms can survive on environmental surfaces for extended periods and be spread by touch or cross-contamination to patients, healthcare workers, and other surfaces, making surface disinfection critical. For example, MRSA can survive on surfaces anywhere from 7 days to 7 months.

Educate all team members including office and reception staff about the important role they play in preventing the spread of infection

Contaminated surfaces can re-contaminate clean hands and further contribute to the transmission of infections, meaning thorough hand hygiene and daily cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces are both imperative to preventing the spread of infections.

Dental office

Surface contamination

Compliant cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is important throughout the dental practice, including in the reception and waiting-room areas. In a recent study published in the Journal of Dental Hygiene, surface sampling from dental practices in Arizona and Missouri isolated bacteria from environmental surfaces inside and outside patient care areas. Researchers have found that other germ hot spots within reception and waiting-room areas include office door knobs, office phones, and counter tops.

Selecting the Right Products

The first step in implementing an effective environmental infection prevention strategy for your dental practice is selecting the right products. With hundreds of surface disinfectants available, it can seem challenging to identify the best products to suit your practice’s needs. It is important for dental practices to select US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered surface disinfectants designed specifically for healthcare facilities, with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms that can be transmitted via contaminated surfaces.

Ensuring Compliant Use

While selecting the correct surface disinfectants is a key part of effective infection prevention practices, establishing policies and procedures that ensure regular, compliant use of those products is also crucial to success. To ensure all team members have a clear understanding of cleaning and disinfecting protocols, we recommend the following best practices for educating team members.

Instruments closeup

As a team, review important infection prevention guidelines and OSHA regulations that pertain to your practice. Online training is available through sites, which offers free continuing education courses in infection control best practices. Develop a robust written infection control plan for your practice, with cleaning and disinfecting protocols that include cleaning responsibility grids detailing who cleans which piece of equipment or surface, with which product and how frequently.

Drinking water dilutes acids and helps cleans the teeth. It also means patients may have to go to the bathroom more often, though, so some patients avoid this approach. Considering its popularity and variety, it is important to note that bottled water may not have the ideal amount of fluoride, if any. It all depends on the source of the water. Only certain bottled water, usually for infants, generally has the proper amount of fluoride, so one should check the label.

Surpreenda seus entes queridos com garrafas únicas.

Resumo: A prática de presentear garrafas personalizadas está se tornando cada vez mais popular, proporcionando uma maneira única de surpreender e encantar entes queridos. Este artigo explora a tendência de presentes personalizados com garrafas exclusivas, destacando como essa opção de presente pode demonstrar cuidado, originalidade e conexão emocional. Além disso, abordaremos diferentes ocasiões em que as garrafas personalizadas podem ser oferecidas como presentes memoráveis.

Introdução: Quando se trata de presentear, encontrar algo especial e significativo pode ser um desafio. As garrafas personalizadas oferecem uma solução única, permitindo que você crie presentes personalizados que expressem seu afeto de maneira original. Essas garrafas podem ser adaptadas aos gostos e interesses do destinatário, tornando-as lembranças valiosas e exclusivas., ao escolher garrafas personalizadas

Demonstrando cuidado e atenção:

  1. Personalização detalhada: Ao personalizar uma garrafa, você pode incorporar elementos que sejam significativos para a pessoa que irá recebê-la. Isso demonstra que você investiu tempo e esforço para criar um presente que realmente reflita seus interesses e gostos.
  2. Mensagens personalizadas: Além do design da garrafa, você pode adicionar mensagens personalizadas que expressem seu carinho e afeto. Essas mensagens podem variar desde uma simples palavra de encorajamento até declarações profundas de amor e gratidão.

Originalidade e exclusividade:

  1. Um presente único: Garrafas personalizadas são verdadeiramente únicas, uma vez que cada design é feito especificamente para o destinatário. Isso garante que o presente seja especial e diferenciado de qualquer outro.
  2. Destaque-se entre os presentes convencionais: Ao escolher uma garrafa personalizada como presente, você se destaca dos presentes tradicionais. Essa originalidade mostra que você se preocupou em encontrar algo especial e exclusivo para o destinatário.

Conexão emocional:

  1. Lembranças duradouras: As garrafas personalizadas são presentes que podem ser usados diariamente, tornando-se parte da rotina do destinatário. Cada vez que eles usam a garrafa, lembrarão do momento e da pessoa que a presenteou, criando uma conexão emocional duradoura.
  2. Presentes com significado: Ao personalizar uma garrafa, você pode escolher elementos simbólicos ou representativos de momentos compartilhados ou memórias especiais. Isso adiciona um significado mais profundo ao presente, criando uma conexão emocional única.

Ocasões para presentear garrafas personalizadas:

  1. Aniversários: Surpreenda seus entes queridos em seu aniversário com uma garrafa personalizada que reflita sua personalidade e celebre essa data especial.
  2. Casamentos e aniversários de casamento: Presentear um casal com uma garrafa personalizada é uma forma única de comemorar seu amor e compartilhar um presente que represente a união deles.

The power of the abstract: Expressing emotions through glass wall art.

Abstract glass wall art has the power to express emotions in a unique and profound way. By breaking away from figurative representations and focusing on abstract visual language, artists are free to explore shapes, colors, textures and compositions to convey feelings and moods. Here are some ways abstract glass wall art can express emotions, about glass print wall art

Vibrant Colors: The choice and combination of colors in abstract glass wall art can evoke a wide range of emotions. Vibrant and intense colors like red, yellow and orange can convey energy, passion and joy. On the other hand, softer and more subtle tones, such as blue, green and purple, can convey calm, tranquility and serenity. Colors have a direct impact on emotions, and abstract glass art can harness this powerful connection.

Expressive Shapes: The abstract shapes present in glass wall art can be highly expressive. The lines, curves and geometries do not represent specific objects, but they can evoke sensations and emotions. Organic, flowing shapes can convey movement, freedom, and emotional fluidity, while more angular, rigid shapes can create a sense of tension, strength, or agitation. The abstract forms allow for a free and open expression of the artist’s emotions and the viewer’s individual interpretation.

Tactile Textures: Glass can be shaped and worked to create tactile textures in abstract wall art. These tex

tures add a sensory dimension to the work, allowing the viewer to feel and experience art more intensely. Soft and delicate textures can convey serenity and softness, while rough and bold textures can convey energy and strength. The combination of textures with colors and shapes enhances the emotional expressiveness of abstract glass art.

Composition and Flow: The composition and flow of abstract glass art can influence how emotions are conveyed. The arrangement of elements in the work, such as the direction of lines, the proportion of negative spaces and the general organization, can evoke different feelings and moods. Balanced and harmonious compositions can convey serenity, while dynamic and unbalanced compositions can generate tension and excitement.

Personal Interpretation: Abstract glass wall art invites the viewer to bring their own experiences and emotions to the work. The non-representative nature of abstract art allows each individual to interpret the work according to their own emotions and experiences. This creates an intimate and personal connection between the art and the viewer, allowing emotions to be awakened and explored on an individual basis.


Divide without separating, is this possible? With the glass partition yes. This is one of the few available materials (if not the only one) that allows this feat.

But this is not the only advantage of the glass partition. Keep following the post and discover everything this divider has to offer.

Integration with demarcation
The glass partition is perfect for demarcating environments, but without creating rigid separations.

This is because the transparency of the glass allows the environments to continue talking to each other, but each one has autonomy and privacy.

Sturdy and durable
The glass used to manufacture the partitions is laminated or tempered with a minimum thickness of 8 millimeters.

This characteristic of the dividers makes them very resistant to impacts, for example.

The durability of the glass is also high and repairs or maintenance are very unlikely to be needed.

Want privacy? The glass partition allows for that as well. In this case, just opt ​​for sandblasted or fluted glass, as this type of finish distorts the images and, therefore, offers privacy to residents.

Glass partitions also gain points with regard to lighting, as light can pass through the material without any problems.

This advantage applies to both smooth glass and blasted glass.

sound proof
Depending on the glass used, the partition can block sound waves and provide acoustic comfort for those inside.

To achieve this effect, choose tempered or laminated glass with a minimum thickness of 10 millimeters. Another option is to use acoustic glass, developed exclusively to block sound.

The glass partition is very versatile. It can be manufactured in any size, in addition to having opening options, such as fixed, sliding, with door, pivoting, among others.

Another advantage of the glass partition is that it can be accompanied by wood, iron or aluminum frames.

For any environment
Each and every room in the house can receive a glass partition. This is both from an aesthetic and functional point of view.

In the bedrooms, for example, the glass partition is a good choice to separate the closet and the suite from the rest of the environment. Already in integrated rooms, the glass partition can be installed between the kitchen and the living room.

In offices, the glass divider can be placed between staff desks, making the team work more focused, without distractions.

Clean, modern and elegant

Regardless of the style you adopt in your decoration, one thing is certain: the glass partition will always bring a touch of modernity and elegance to the environments, when choosing a glass wall art

easy to clean

If you think that a glass partition will give you work to clean, then know that you are wrong. These dividers are easy to clean and, depending on where they are installed, they practically do not get dirty, as is the case with dividers between the bedroom and the closet, for example.

In environments such as the kitchen, however, cleaning needs to be more constant, but it is still simple. A soft cloth moistened with alcohol will solve a lot. For more difficult dirt, just use detergent.

Check out the most used glass partitions below and see which one is the best option for your home or business:

laminated glass partition
Laminated glass is manufactured from two blades, or layers of glass, interposed by a film.

For partitions, it is recommended to use laminated glass at least eight millimeters thick.

Laminated glass can be found with different finishes, such as smoked, sandblasted or fluted.

tempered glass divider
Tempered glass goes through a different manufacturing process than laminated glass. This is because this type of glass undergoes a heat treatment that increases the physical and mechanical resistance capacity of the material.

In terms of strength and durability, both tempered glass and laminated glass pass the tests, you can rest assured.

And, as with laminated glass, tempered glass can be found in smoked, sandblasted, and other finishes.

frosted glass partition
The sandblasted glass partition is the most suitable when the intention is to guarantee the privacy of the environments.

To become sandblasted, the glass is sprayed with tiny sand particles that end up causing chips on the surface of the material, causing it to become opaque.

Corrugated glass partition
Corrugated glass, in turn, has ripples on the surface of the glass, making it also suitable for use in private areas.

It is worth mentioning that this type of glass was widely used decades ago, it fell into disuse, but now it has returned with everything to the interior designer. Therefore, it is worth considering.

Glass partition with door
The glass partition with door is similar to a glass wall. That’s because she’s usually bigger and encompassing large spans.

This type of partition is common in offices, but can also be used in domestic environments.

The glass partition can have opening, sliding, pivoting or hinged doors.

Estacionamento da empresa: como oferecer vagas de estacionamento para seus funcionários?

A importância destes lugares de estacionamento para as empresas
Uma empresa não tem obrigação legal de oferecer vaga de estacionamento para seus funcionários . Algumas empresas, porém, sofrem forte pressão dos sindicatos. A fim de melhorar a qualidade de vida dos funcionários e facilitar suas viagens , muitas empresas decidiram oferecer vagas de estacionamento, ao escolher um estacionamento perto do aeroporto de Guarulhos

Hoje e mais do que nunca, a procura de estacionamento é forte ! A Covid-19 é um dos fatores e uma das razões pelas quais os automobilistas privilegiam a utilização do automóvel em detrimento do transporte público (há uma quebra de assiduidade entre os 40 e os 60% ). De fato, em 2020, vemos que 87% das viagens são feitas nas estradas.

Se os funcionários usarem seu carro, eles devem poder estacionar perto de seu local de trabalho. Algumas empresas oferecem estacionamentos, outras não. Nesse caso, a situação pode virar um pesadelo para os funcionários. Não só têm de encontrar um lugar de estacionamento próximo e a um preço acessível e sem serem penalizados com uma taxa pós-estacionamento. Desde janeiro de 2018, as regras de estacionamento mudaram e os Prefeitos escolhem o valor do pacote pós-estacionamento que pode ser muito caro. Da mesma forma, as cidades querem limitar a poluição do arlimitação de veículos na cidade. Querem também que os carros rodem para promover o acesso ao comércio local, pelo que optam por limitar o estacionamento a cerca de 1h30 ou aumentar os preços se o carro ficar muito tempo estacionado.

Por que reservar uma vaga de estacionamento para seus funcionários?
parque de estacionamento da empresa
Encontre um lugar de estacionamento perto do seu negócio
Muitos funcionários vão para o local de trabalho de carro e isso nem sempre é devido à crise do coronavírus. Às vezes é mais rápido e fácil usar seu carro do que o transporte público não confiável. Por exemplo, de acordo com o INSEE em 2017, 74% dos trabalhadores usam o carro para ir ao trabalho. A partilha continua a ser importante!

Para chegar ao trabalho, os funcionários usam principalmente o carro. Em 2015, metade dos empregados que moram e trabalham no mesmo município vão para o trabalho de carro. Essa proporção sobe para oito funcionários em cada dez para aqueles que trabalham fora do município de residência. Gestores e funcionários utilizam menos o carro do que outras categorias socioprofissionais.
Todos esses carros devem poder estacionar a uma distância correta . Em média, os franceses estacionam a no máximo 500 metros de seu local de trabalho. Para facilitar a vida dos colaboradores que utilizam regularmente o automóvel ou mesmo para facilitar a vida de visitantes ou clientes, uma empresa tem todo o interesse em poder ter um parque de estacionamento com vários lugares.

A vantagem de oferecer vagas de estacionamento aos funcionários é poder proporcionar a eles o máximo conforto e mais tranquilidade. Vocês dois sabem que chegarão na hora e não ficarão estressados ​​em encontrar uma vaga para estacionar .

As empresas são obrigadas a oferecer vagas de estacionamento para seus funcionários?
parque de estacionamento da empresa
Alugue uma vaga de estacionamento para seus funcionários.
A resposta é não. Embora seja mais confortável para os funcionários e muito apreciado por seus últimos. Uma empresa não tem obrigação legal de oferecer estacionamento mesmo sabendo que seus funcionários utilizam o carro para chegar ao local de trabalho.

Da mesma forma, muitos edifícios dedicados ao aluguel de escritórios ou uso profissional não possuem estacionamento. Embora isso esteja mudando, há uma falta significativa de vagas de estacionamento. Hoje, qualquer novo prédio em construção em uma grande área urbana está sujeito ao PDU (Plano de Trajeto Urbano) que determina as regras de cálculo das vagas de estacionamento da empresa, limitando assim o número de vagas de estacionamento a 25 a 30% da força de trabalho da empresa .

Escolhendo um hotel para viagens de negócios

ocê tem que pensar cuidadosamente sobre o preço de um hotel antes de reservar, ao escolher um hotel em Guarulhos.

Você também deve considerar o que será conveniente para seus funcionários e as comodidades de que eles podem precisar durante uma viagem de trabalho.

A seguir, nos aprofundamos em algumas coisas que uma pequena empresa deve saber sobre como escolher um hotel, motel ou qualquer outro tipo de acomodação para viajar.

Indiscutivelmente, um dos elementos mais importantes na escolha de hospedagem para viagens de negócios é a localização.

Por que seus funcionários estão viajando? Se você estiver viajando, o que espera realizar? Quais eventos você está participando? Quão fácil ou desafiador será para você e todos os outros na viagem chegar aos locais necessários com relativa rapidez?

Pagar mais por um hotel em uma boa localização central pode economizar dinheiro em outras coisas, como aluguel de carros ou caronas.

Se seus funcionários estão dedicando muito tempo se preocupando com a logística de transporte, eles não vão se concentrar tanto quanto poderiam na conferência, evento ou reuniões para os quais estão lá em primeiro lugar.

Claro, você também quer ter certeza de que está escolhendo acomodações em um local seguro. Você tem o dever de cuidado que deve a seus funcionários.

Confira também o mapa das acomodações que você está considerando. É fácil chegar ao hotel a partir do aeroporto ou do centro de conferências? Existem opções de transporte público nas proximidades, se necessário?

Alguns hotéis oferecem serviços de transporte para locais importantes, como centros de conferências e locais semelhantes. O serviço de transporte gratuito também pode fornecer transporte para atrações próximas e áreas centrais da cidade ou vila.

Redes que atendem viajantes a negócios
Algumas redes de hotéis são conhecidas especificamente por atender viajantes a negócios, e você pode participar do programa de fidelidade e obter benefícios se você ou seus funcionários viajarem com frequência.

Hilton é um bom exemplo. O programa Hilton Honors também inclui algumas das marcas de hospitalidade mais conhecidas, onde você pode ganhar pontos e resgatá-los.

A marca Hilton é encontrada em cidades ao redor do mundo, e muitas das propriedades possuem instalações para reuniões. Se você for um membro Gold ou Diamond de seu programa de recompensas, poderá ter acesso a um café da manhã de cortesia se um club lounge não estiver disponível.

Homewood Suites by Hilton é uma de suas marcas que tende a funcionar bem para viajantes de negócios. Existem centenas de propriedades, e todos os quartos são suítes, com cozinha completa e área de estar separada. Estas são uma boa opção se você precisa reservar uma estadia mais longa ou se os viajantes de negócios gostam de alguns dos confortos de casa enquanto estão fora.

Marriott é outra boa marca para viajantes de negócios, e suas acomodações no Residence Inn geralmente têm quartos com salas de estar e áreas de dormir separadas, além de cozinha compacta, café da manhã de cortesia e jantar e coquetéis gratuitos muitas noites da semana.

Pergunte aos seus funcionários o que eles preferem
Como proprietário de uma pequena empresa que reserva viagens para seus funcionários, você tem o luxo de poder ir direto à fonte e perguntar o que eles preferem. Pergunte sobre as principais comodidades que são mais importantes para eles e que ajudarão a garantir sua produtividade.

Você pode se surpreender com o que seus funcionários mais valorizam quando viajam a trabalho.

Você também pode preparar uma lista restrita de algumas das opções em que está pensando, para que possam avaliar propriedades específicas.

Comodidades do hotel
As pequenas coisas em um hotel ou motel podem ajudar muito os viajantes a negócios.

Por exemplo, há pelo menos um restaurante no local? Seus funcionários provavelmente estarão cansados ​​no final de um longo dia de trabalho e podem preferir ficar no local para jantar ou pegar algo rapidamente.

E as lavanderias e, se estiverem disponíveis, qual é o custo? Talvez um serviço de lavagem a seco esteja disponível ou uma academia para seus funcionários que gostam de se manter ativos.

Outra comodidade que seus funcionários apreciarão é um espaço de trabalho. Isso pode ser nos quartos ou em uma área comum. Idealmente, talvez o hotel tenha os dois.

Como lembrete, o acesso Wi-Fi de alta velocidade não é uma comodidade opcional neste momento – é obrigatório para quem viaja a negócios . Você precisa ter certeza de que não está apenas disponível e gratuito para seus funcionários, mas também confiável.

Obtenha informações das avaliações
Existem ótimos sites que oferecem avaliações detalhadas de hotéis de hóspedes, mas você vai querer se concentrar nas informações que vêm especificamente de outros viajantes a negócios. Pesquise e pesquise palavras-chave relacionadas a viajantes de negócios para ver o que essas pessoas têm a dizer sobre uma determinada propriedade antes de reservar.

Considere se um cartão de recompensas de viagem pode ser uma boa ideia
Se você é proprietário de uma pequena empresa e seus funcionários viajam, ou você viaja, talvez queira explorar os cartões de crédito de recompensa de viagem. Eles nem sempre fazem sentido, mas em muitos casos, quando se trata de pequenas viagens de negócios, eles fazem.

Os cartões de crédito do hotel tendem a ser de marca. Como titular do cartão, você pode obter recompensas e benefícios exclusivos de uma determinada rede. As recompensas podem valer a pena para as empresas, mas apenas se você e seus funcionários tenderem a permanecer na mesma cadeia.

Cartões de viagem gerais podem permitir que você ganhe milhas ou pontos em custos de viagem e têm vantagens como seguro relacionado a viagens e acesso ao lounge.

Se você é proprietário de uma pequena empresa que costuma viajar com a mesma companhia aérea, considere um cartão de crédito com a marca da companhia aérea.

Por fim, não importa onde você decida ficar ou hospedar seus funcionários, esteja totalmente ciente de todas as deduções fiscais disponíveis para despesas de viagem das quais você pode aproveitar. Despesas de viagem dedutíveis podem incluir não apenas hospedagem, mas também algumas despesas com refeições e muito mais.